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The F-Word

 "Mom!" my daughter Sarah shouted from her room.

Being a single parent is tough enough that I have to deal with the fact that my nine year old daughter needs more attention than my ex. Then again, my ex could just get a lot of attention from other women.

"Mom! There's a spider in my room! Please hurry!" she continued shouting

"The damn thing won't kill you, and please I just got home from work, give me a break" I shouted back

"Moooooom! A Unicorn! Mom, please come here!"

I raised an eyebrow and just continued my way upstairs. All I was looking forward to do was to rest my head on my pillows and nap for a while before I make dinner. When I got upstairs, Sarah suddenly bolted outside of her room.

"Mom, my boyfriend is here with me inside my room"

"Sarah, please" I sneered as I told her while I placed my hand on my bedroom doorknob, patting my pockets for the key

"Fuck!" Sarah shouted

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice. I tolerate us being buddies and all but a foul mouth isn't something I'd let pass under this roof. "What did you just SAY?"

She went inside her bedroom and I stormed right after her. I was ready for a scolding when she frantically closed her door behind us and locked us inside her room.

Her eyes swelled and her hands shook uncontrollably.

"Th-there's" she whispered "a man inside your room"

I opened my daughter’s door an inch to take a peek outside, and a pale man from my room was doing the same.


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