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 With each passing day it was becoming more obvious that the war would not have a peaceful end.

All over America people received a letter from their government. It contained a simple pamphlet, with a short set of instructions and pictures.


The looming threat from The Eastern Bloc is growing. In order to save yourself and your family it is of the utmost importance that you act now.

Build a fallout shelter:

Dig a hole in your garden, make it 8 x 4 x 6 feet, at least. See pictures.

If you do not own a garden, find a suitable spot somewhere else; even if it is on someone else's land. The law has been changed to allow people to build a shelter each.

In case of a nuclear threat you are to bring your family into the hole and cover it with a door. Make sure the door has weights fastened to it. See pictures.

If you hear a detonation, wait approximately two hours before you leave the shelter; to be sure that there are not more bombs coming.

Good luck.”

The following days people busied themselves with following the instructions.

It was a very strange sight. The whole of Central Park, NY, was filled with these makeshift shelters. Driving down a street you could see one by every house.

And when the alarms sounded, people scrambled into them. Those who had not built a shelter of their own forced their way into others'.

In hindsight, it is impossible to know how many believed that the shelters would save them; and how many realized that they had simply been asked to dig their own graves.

Wars are expensive and every penny counts.


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