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How Many Sophies does it take to change a Lightbulb?

 Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it's two tyred!

What word is always spelled wrong? Gullible!

Why did Sophie cross the road? To get to the other side!

What is yellow and dangerous? Shark-infested custard!

What goes down but doesn't come up? A yo!

What goes Oh Oh Oh? Santa walking backwards!

What is a coward? Moo!

Knock knock! Who's there? The Doctor. Doctor Who!

A man walked into a bar. Ouch!

What is the best birthday present? A broken drum, you can't beat it!

Why did the bicycle fall over? Because Sophie kept forgetting how to ride it.

What word is always spelled wrong? Everything Sophie ever wrote.

Why did Sophie cross the road? Because I placed her teddy bear on the other side.

What is yellow and dangerous? The schoolbus doing 55.

What goes down but doesn't come up? Sophie.

What goes Oh Oh Oh?  My mom when she saw Sophie in the road.

What is a coward? Me, when I never owned up.

Knock knock! Who's there? The Doctor. Doctor Who? Doctor from the psychiatric hospital, I'm here for your mom. She has to go away because she's so sad. That's why she can't stop crying.

A man walked into a bar. Every morning until he died.

What is the best birthday present? To have my kid sister Sophie back. And mommy and daddy.


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