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 There's an email address that lets you decide how you want to die. Nobody knows how it works, nobody knows why it's there, but it's there.

It works simply. All you have to do is send how you wish to die, and your wish will be granted within 5 days. You don't need to be specific, you don't need to put in anything extra- you don't even need to put in your info. They know.

And once you send it, there's no turning back. Did you wish to die from a stabbing? Did you wish to die a hero? Did you wish to die from something inappropriate? Your wish will be granted. People die in their own beds from a hooded figure stabbing them to death. People die saving others from fires. People die doing something inappropriate.

People die.

I want to die, too. I desperately want it to end. Life is impossible for me to continue to go through, and I don't want to live it anymore.

But I'm too much of a coward for suicide. So I went for the better option.

I didn't want to die painfully, and I didn't want anyone to mourn over my death. All I wanted was to leave this world peacefully and let everyone else who used to be in my life live their own wonderous lives.

So I raised my fingers over the keyboard and typed "I want to die painlessly, and not have anyone weep over my death."

One day passed and I was still alive.

Two days passed and I was still alive.

Three days passed and I was still alive.

Four days passed and I was still alive.

The fifth day was the day of the party. I came over to my brother's house, along with most of my family. Today was the day of his party.

Everyone else was singing and laughing, and yet I was sitting in the corner, on my phone. I should've known it was a scam. I should've known it was fake.

I just wanted to die painlessly. Not have anyone suffer over me. So why wouldn't it happen? Why wouldn't I die?

Then I got the notification.

And I went pale, realizing my wish came true.

You don't need to put any info in your email. You don't need to put any extra details in your email. And you don't need to be specific in your email.

But god, I wish I was more specific.

I looked up at my family, enjoying themselves and completely unaware of what was about to hit them, as the words "BALLISTIC MISSILE" burnt into my mind.


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