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AITA for not being mad when my daughter did what i mentioned?

 Obligatory statement that this happened a couple of days ago.

I have a son (12) and a daughter (5) who have never gotten along well. My wife and I try to mediate, but it's never successful. That little asshole is always pissing the bed, and we are done. My wife has told him that if he does it again, she'll cut it off. I said the same.

Tonight i was at my computer and my little girl walked up and asked what i was doing. Her hands were behind her. I told her I was looking for presents for her mom. She told me that her brother had pissed the bed AGAIN. I was furious! I demanded to see what she was hiding behind her back and she showed me one of the knives from the set in the kitchen.

"Daddy, I did just what Mommy said to do!"


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